Ok, Good News. I am re hiring again. All you need to do is copy the application below and paste it in a new post inside of the Applications Forum. In order to get hired, you must answer all the questions correctly. Once posted, Staff will review it and decide if they think you should be staff. In the final run. I decide.
1. What is your Furcadia Name?
2. How long have you been playing Furcadia?
3. Where else have you worked?
4. Will you abuse share?
5. Where did you hear of Angel's Bah?
7. Are you a beekin?
8. Have you been banned in any dream?
9. How old are you?
10. Own any dreams?
11. Are you a good dream weaver?
12. Are you a good dragon speakweaver?
13. Do you patch?
14. What are your normal school grades?
15. Do you own any digos? (I do not discriminate people who don't have one)
16. Name Three People who would Recommend you. 1) 2) 3)
17. How well do you know the dream? Commands and the layout.
18. What is your timezone?
19. What are your hours you will be availble?
20. Have you ever been fired? (b) If so where?
21. What do you know about the staff?
You must answer the following with at least 30 words per question.
* Why do you want to work in this dream?
* What do you think a staff member should do?
* What do you think a staff member shouldn't do?
* Why should I hire you?
I ____________, Agree that If I break any rules more than 3 times I understand that I will be fired, that I am responsible for my behavior. And in the case I do get fired, I will go peacefully. If I __________ make a big deal of getting fired, I will be banned.